The value of IP is pivotal to the value of many businesses. Yet the commercial strength and value of technology, brands and innovation is often poorly articulated in information memorandums. Or misjudged by buyers.
If the bulk of the value of a corporate transaction is driven by technology and brands, it makes sense to test the value of these assets. Parties to a transaction should identify IP assets, quantify their strength, gauge the associated risks, and understand the value implications. This helps sellers maximize the sales price or capital raising. Due diligence is just as important in IP transactions as any other business acquisition.
Patents and trade marks are increasingly sold and licensed as standalone assets. In addition to gaining access to the appropriate market participants, these transactions also benefit from a quantitative assessment of the functional, legal and economic characteristics of the IP assets.
We can assist organizations by conducting a thorough due diligence in relation to IP assets and then assessing the commercial value of IP whether it be for the purposes of financial reporting, tax, litigation and strategy determination.